Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Duh, the Library

So, I realized that I haven't actually provided any information yet about the actual reason I'm in Italy: the libraries. Well, I'm about to correct that oversight!

So, Monday was my first day at the British School at Rome's Library and Archives. I got totally lost on my way there and had to stop and ask directions twice (using my Italian!). But, I finally got there, about 1 and 1/2 hours later. No biggie.

They were really nice. They took my letter (from my professor Brother George) and my passport photo. Then, they gave me my card and assigned me a desk. And then I walked around and got my bearings and started pulling books from the shelves and it was just wonderful. I mean, I was in heaven. In case anyone needed confirmation: It's official, I'm a nerd!

So, this particular library, aside from collections on Italian architecture, archeology, Italian history, and a few other subjects, specializes in travel writing about Italy. This is perfect for me, because I'm studying the works of British writers who traveled extensively in Italy!

I must say, I had a few moments that first day (and since) where I just felt so grown up studying next to all of these crusty academics. I mean, my first day there were at least five men over the age of 70 in really ugly sweaters with crazy Einstein hair. These are my people!

Speaking of sweaters, I only brought one functional sweater to Italy with me, and the weather has been colder than I expected. As a result, I wear that same sweater every single day. Yesterday, while sitting at the library, I started to think: I wonder if everyone around me thinks it's weird that I always wear the same generic black sweater? 15 minutes later, I was zoning out and wondering why the guy sitting next to me always wore rugby shirts. That's when I realized, yes, they are totally wondering why I keep wearing the same sweater, but it's okay, because I question their clothing choices too! I really felt like I belonged...

More about the library: It's grand. I mean, impressive. Here's a picture (the library part is only on the left side):

They keep some of the windows open if it's not raining, so natural light and birdsong filters in. That's right, I'm sitting in an old, awesome library, listening to birds singing. It's just unreal. Oh, and did I mention that there is a rose garden? That's right, though there are zip restaurants around, I am free to go into the rose garden and picnic.

But, it's not all fun and games. I definitely sat at my desk reading and taking notes for about five hours yesterday. But, it's all super interesting. I've read travel diaries from all different times and learned about the very first British travelers to Rome. One thing I will say, the concept of objectivity must be fairly recent. Here's why I bring this up: Usually, if one author is writing about another in what is supposed to be an informational way, they are pretty careful about not being too nasty. Not so in the 1700's. I mean, those people just went after each other. I was reading one travel book which ripped to shreds another author's work. They said how useless his information was, bladdy bladdy blah. It was hilariously straight forward and brutal.

Anyway, in the course of reading all of this travel writing, I realized that through this blog, I have actually become a travel writer. Not that this blog (or the writer of the blog :] ) is awesome enough for someone to want to research and dissect it in 50 years, but if they did, what would they think? Would my blog be an example of awful travel writing? Ahhhh...

1 comment:

  1. While I do not know what they will "think" in 50 years about your blog, I am sure that most will find it informative, like we all do, and funny, as well as honest.... yes honest ... how often does anyone read: "yes I am a nerd" like you have? It is rare but also funny, maybe that is the wrong word (witty?), but knowing your Cuban Uncle, whose Spanish still BETTER than his English, it is the best way I can put it on words.
    As for the sweater you could go with my dad's saying: "if they don't like it just don't look" but keep on writing and updating your blog, as in my opinion you are doing a GREAT job!
